A brief inside look at how we excel at being an ISO certified company
Gary Weldon, Quality Manager for Staub Manufacturing Solutions, announced today that STAUB once again passed their yearly ISO 9001:2015 audit with no major findings. He stated, “Since STAUB became ISO certified back in 2008, we have never had a major finding during our yearly audits. The auditors mentioned on several occasions during the audit just how clean and modern our facility is, saying it was a welcome change to many of the fabrication companies that they audit.”
Company president Steve Staub commented, “We have a great team that cares and focuses on continually doing the right thing. Our team member turn-over rate has been under 5% for the past 3 years and, because of the team, we are able to achieve these great results.”
Gary continued, “At Staub, quality is not just something that I do. We have a culture of responsibility and each person, from the front office to the back dock, personally works hard to make good on our promise to make products right and deliver them on time.”
To learn why you should always source your products from an ISO certified company, please read the article HOW RELIABLE IS YOUR METAL FABRICATION SUPPLIER, along with the article: 5 REASONS TO SOURCE YOUR SHEET METAL PRODUCTS FROM AN ISO 9001:2015 CERTIFIED COMPANY located on our BLOG.